About us

There is a dearth of quality driven marriage sites. Due to this people have stopped relying on the web based matrimony medium. This is why https://www.happywedlock.com has brought you a very safe and authenticated website to help you find your match. We provide you several tools to help you make an excellent match and make your marriage a success!

This marriage/matrimony site has its reach to wider areas and therefore people from every corner around the globe can contact us to register their profiles. For signing up all you have to do is to fill in your details regarding your name, date of birth, caste, religion, income status and location along with your preferences for the person you are looking for. Besides this information there are other things which are a part of the profile which you have to fill in such as religion of the person you are looking for, say Punjabi or Tamil or Christian matrimony. If you are a boy then you are looking for a homely or a working girl and so on. Such things form part of your registration with us. Also at our portal you can search for profiles with religion or community and also with profession. We have separated the searching phenomenon to make it easy and feasible for you to filter only the required. This detailed information will help us in finding the best match for you. This matrimonial site provides you with a unique ID to login into your account. You can also search anyone with his/her ID on our website


Compatibility algorithm

We use a compatibility algorithm to check your compatibility or matchmaking with other members on a 52 points weighted scale!

Indian Astrology

Indian Astrology has defined various techniques which evaluate the qualities (Gunas) of both the partners to establish their compatibility by comparing their birth stars. Our computer software will also perform this complicated task and to help you in making this life time decision.

Auto Search

We display the matches by auto searching for your desired preferences. This will auto show you the number of matches which are in tandem to your profile.